Cambridge YLE Proficiency Test
Cambridge YLE Proficiency Test
Proficiency test for Cambridge YLE, "Starters","Movers", & "Flyers".
★ Prepare students for YLE tests and test their English level.
★ The Reading Pen can be used to listen to the questions and answers, even the resolution in Chinese!
★ Switch between English & Chinese by touching the page numbers using Reading Pen and verify your answers in Chinese mode.
★ Listen to the questions repeatedly by Reading Pen to improve students' aural comprehension of English.
The examination of YLE includes three levels of questions. Just follow the instructions in the textbook and you may get familiar with the patterns of the exam.
Listening: Touch the number of any given question by the Reading Pen and listen to the questions carefully then answer it. And listen to the answer.
Reading & Writing: Read the questions and write down the answer. Then check the answers by Reading Pen.
Speaking: Record your answer to the question through the Reading Pen. Then listen to the suggested answer.
Switch between English & Chinese by touching the page numbers. The number of left page is the resolution in Chinese; the number of right page is in English.